best home interior designers

“How I wish I had optimized space utilization of my home in a better way to accommodate all that I have at home today!” or “How about decorating my house differently?” Have you often had such thoughts running in your mind during the course of living in the same house for many years now? This happens to most of us as we grow in our comfort spaces, trying to give it a better look every other day! The idea of renovating your living spaces, as much as a tiring job as it may be, brings in a lot of zeal, excitement, and at the end of it some immense satisfaction. What more would you want than a feel-good factor of having to live in the same space with a fresh look that is more inviting, and one that matches your current personality!

Here are some Home renovation ideas in Bangalore to keep in mind during the process – explained in simple terms and which could apply to whichever design you choose to have.

Living Room Design Ideas

Our living room interior design speaks volumes about personality and emotions. As we grow, our choices and emotions also keep changing for the better. Why not bring them up to pace with our growth? Some of the details that you could keep in mind while re-decorating your living space are:

Illuminate it with bright and warm lights – For the Living room which is used for small get to-togethers or parties, warm lights are just the right thing to have. They also highlight your furnishing and hide imperfections giving it an elegant look at all times. If you have a sit-out attached to your living room, consider having French windows which bring in a lot of natural light inside.

Accentuate one wall – choosing an apt painting pattern, or wallpaper, or cladding, or as simple as having a different wall color provides an interesting look along with complimenting your flooring and furniture.

Use mood lifters – Be it family photos, or paintings, or any other wall hanging creatives, they not only beautify the wall but also help you cherish fond memories from time to time. Indoor plants which are said to bring in good luck to your house are also great mood lifters, they also bring in a lot of prettiness to the room.

Go minimalistic – Having minimal furnishings in the living room creates more walking space, makes it apt for parties and kids, and makes the house look more spacious.

Bedroom Design ideas

Your personal space is what you wake up to every single day. Here are a couple of things you might need to keep in mind to create it in the most comfortable way possible:

Warm Lighting – Accentuate your bedroom interiors with warm lights for a soothing effect on your eyes and brain. It helps de-stress after a long day and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Keep it all tucked in – Another point to have in mind is, however big or small your bedroom may be, it must be kept clutter-free at all times. One of the simplest ways to achieve this is by having effective storage options such as wardrobes, covered lofts, under-bed storage, and dressing tables. Neatly arranged items pave the way for clean space and peace of mind when you retire for the day.

Kitchen design ideas

The joy of cooking increases multi-folds when the kitchen interiors are designed to blend your culture with your current lifestyle, functionality, and aesthetics. While we are known to retain our culture, our lifestyle and aesthetics tend to change with time, and it would just be great to have a functionality that blends with the present. Things to keep in mind when renovating kitchen interiors are:

Modular in a way that suits you best – Modular kitchens are widely used today, but has it been designed smartly enough to suit your current style of cooking? Renovating the cabinets in a way that is highly functional to your lifestyle should be the focus. Our designers at After Build bring to you a variety of cabinet arrangement options to best suit your functionalities.

Ample Storage Unit – In the presence of a modular kitchen, all counters are meant to be as empty as possible during non-cooking times. Tall storage units help you store all your monthly groceries and large utensils in a closed space, giving the kitchen a de-cluttered look. Do consider having one at yours.

Tiling patterns and colors – Last but not least, kitchens also deserve to be decorated. After Build offers pops of colors and various tiling designs to make your kitchen interiors look beautiful and pleasing.

Dining Room Design Ideas

Simple is the new sophisticated – Dining area is the part of your home where a mini get-together takes place with family every single day. A nice piece of furniture and warm lighting to accentuate it is elegant enough to complete the look. A nice dining table and crockery unit to compliment your living room aesthetics seal the deal.

Utility Room Design ideas

Utilize to the maximum – This is one part of the house where walking space is never a concern. A utility room is meant to be fully utilized, though a de-cluttered look is what the aim should be. Plumbing units placed in the right areas in the utility room are necessary to make full use of this facility, as they play a vital role in neatly arranging all the essentials.  Also, large and closed cabinets to ensure every item is tucked in neatly is something you should look out for.

Restroom design ideas

Aromatic, large tiles, and closed cabinets – Washrooms must be maintained as the cleanest place in the house. The aesthetic of this room should be set in a way that it gives a sense of ease and clean surroundings. The use of bright color tiles can make the enclosure look more spacious and large tiles go a long way as far as maintenance is concerned. Also, make sure to keep ample floating cabinets to keep all toiletries neatly arranged. Potpourri or fresh flowers act as perfect add-ons.

Every corner of your house is as important as the rest, each of them come with a purpose. It is up to us to make the best use of them all, whilst giving them the best outlook possible. More on home renovation ideas when we connect. Get in touch with us to get a personalized design to renovate your home, to give it the All Fresh and New Look! Let’s work together to give your home a shade of you.

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